Welcome to the GROW sessions



Employeeship - increased levels of responsibility, loyalty, and initiative. This isn’t just engagement, it’s so much more. These 5 sessions examine what it is and why we need to look beyond engagement and invest in our employees more intentionally and directly if we want to achieve our business vision and goals. This is a session for leaders who are at a standstill with traditional approaches of culture, engagement and DE&I efforts.

Week 1 - Employeeship - A Definition

Week 2 - Move Beyond Engagement

Week 3 - Employeeship: Skills and Relationships

Week 4 - The ROI of Employeeship

Week 5 - Create an Employeeship Culture


Grow Culture - Contact Amy for Details on the next session

Coffee and Culture - Two of my very favorite things!

In this early morning series, grab a cup of joe and discover how your company culture is shaped, how it can be adapted. Examine the appropriate roles of employees, HR, leadership, company owners and executives in establishing culture. Together we will discover what creates real and sustained culture and what often goes wrong in transformation efforts. Join these sessions if you are considering a culture transformation - the investment will be worth it!

Week 1 - The Culture Model

Week 2 - Understand Change Levers

Week 3 - Values and Beliefs: Now

Week 4 - Values and Beliefs: Future

Week 5 - Adapt to the New



Grow the talent that grows the talent!

Join other HR professionals who are seeking insights to find more time to focus on talent in their organization. Discover what it takes to build an employer brand, to improve partnership with leaders and to strengthen talent programs. We’ll end the sessions focused on how to transform workplace culture. Each week we will receive insights, learn, share and grow - together.

SEPTEMBER 21 - Focus on Talent Priorities

SEPTEMBER 28 - Build Employer Brand

OCTOBER 5 - Improve HR Partnership

OCTOBER 12 - Strengthen Talent Outcomes

OCTOBER 26 - Create Great Culture


GROW PARTNERSHIP - Contact Amy for Details on the next session

It’s time to redefine the relationship between employee and leader, and GROW PARTNERSHIP. Treating employees as equals in the purpose of the company, the team and the individual will strengthen your ability to achieve your own goals. This series of 5 sessions will step through 5 essential elements of leading through partnership with employees.

Week 1 - Serve with Humility

Week 2 - See the Bigger Picture

Week 3 - Connect with Purpose

Week 4 - Celebrate the Individual

Week 5 - Create Great Culture


Grow You - Contact Amy for Details on the next session

GROW YOU is all about that - YOU! This session steps you through how to Create Development Plans with I.M.P.A.C.T. You pick the goal and over 5 weeks we will make sure you have all of the insight, partnership, plans for action, practice and support needed to grow your capability and GROW YOU!

Week 1 - Gain Insight & Motivation

Week 2 - Create Partnership

Week 3 - Act

Week 4 - Grow Capability

Week 5 - Build Trust